Who we are:

We are an emerging community in Wichita, Kansas, inspired by the gospel of Jesus Christ, Catholic Social Teaching, and the Catholic Worker movement. We try to follow the great commandment by performing works of mercy, offering non-violent resistance, and practicing voluntary poverty. We are motivated by a desire to encounter Jesus in His favorite people: the thirsty, the hungry, the oppressed, and the marginalized.

However, people of all or no faiths are welcome to join our work. Our work, meager though it is, extends to all who desire it.

We are radically inclusive, or strive to be, as we believe God’s love is uncontainable. We are queer-founded, and queer affirming.

About The Dispatch

This is our handy dandy newsletter. While we love putting coffee into cold hands, or protesting injustice, we also know how important words, prayer, and beauty are in nourishing our lives.

Dorothy and Peter believed that “clarification of thought” was a key pillar in the platform. So, we will try to clarify our own thoughts, and also lift up our heart, as is “truly right and just”. Hopefully we’ll give you something helpful in the process! Also, if you want to write something, let us know: vulnerachristicatholicworker@gmail.com

So…please, please, please subscribe! We need all the help and community we can possibly get on this road!


The VCCW family.

Subscribe to The Vulnera Christi Dispatch

Made for you by The Vulnera Christi Catholic Worker in Wichita, Kansas. Gospel, Justice, Art.


An emerging community in Wichita, Kansas, inspired by the gospel of Jesus Christ, Catholic Social Teaching, and founders of The Catholic Worker Movement, Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin. Queer-founded and affirming.